
sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010

Alexa Chung for Madewell

Alexa Chung finalmente mostrou seus dotes de designer. Em parceria com a Madewell, do grupo J.Crew, ela criou sua primeira coleção de roupas. A apresentação da coleção rolou na terça em Nova York e contou com amigas de Chung na passarela, entre elas Pixie Geldof. A coleção tem ares de vintage e se parece bastante com o que Alexa veste normalmente: cardigans, shorts, looks femininos, estampas com bolinhas e listras. As peças chegam às lojas em agosto.
Alexa Chung finally showed her talent as a designer. In partnership with Madewell, J. Crew Group, she created her first collection of clothes. The presentation of the collection was tuesday in New York and some Alexa's friends were in the runway, including Pixie Geldof. The collection has an air of vintage and looks a lot like what usually she wears: cardigans, shorts, feminine looks, prints with polka dots and stripes. The collection will arrive in stores in August.

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